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Social Conditions

First of all, for us it is important, that every human can live his/her rights out freely and equally. Therefore we want to engage ourselves in the following aspects:
Child labour, it does not matter in what extent, should be combatted all over the world.

Every child should be able to access their rights, especially in the area of planning for their future and the realization of their political interests.

The successful avoidance in the EU should be an example for others. We demand the acceptance of homosexual marriage within the whole EU:

We stand for more tolerance and freedom for mankind. Every human has the right to realize their sexuality freely and publicly.


In the future we want to give the people more strength to see themselves as a full member of society. To conclude we want to say, in the EU every human, it does not matter which religion, gender, skincolour, origin or status the person has, is the same and should have the same rights.

We stand up for an open and social world
full of tolerance!

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